Want to join the goranyerkovich.com community and take a shot at writing your own blog? Great! We'd love to hear from you. Once you're topic is approved you'll be setup to publish you on this site! If you already have a website of your own or a social media following we'll happily provide links back to your site so we can promote you!
You know what they say, content is king so we want to bring more contributing voices to topics that matter. Adding blog contributors to our site is a fun and effective way to build our very own thriving online community. Join as a member today!
Membership at goranyerkovich.com:
By default, anyone who becomes a member on our site can read and share blog posts. To follow, like and comment on posts or to access the Members Page, visitors need to sign up on our Members Page first. From the Member's Page, we can provide permission to allow any site member to become a writer.
Want to become a Blog Contributor? Here’s how!
Step 1 - First step is joining us as a member via our Members Page.
Step 2 -Email us at info@goranyerkovich.com with a short blog description and approximate word count.
Step 3 - Once we approve your blog topic you'll see a contributor button added to your member page. Step 4 - And that's it - you'll be able to write your first blog!
Writers can:
Add posts
Manage their own posts
Manage comments on their own posts